Geophysical Services

Magnetotelluric Method

We offer consulting and training in the magnetotelluric (MT) method, covering fieldwork, data processing, and modeling. Our services include MT data acquisition and time series processing, along with 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D data modeling. We also provide conferences and informational talks on the applications and capabilities of the MT method for subsurface studies.

MT is a powerful tool for deep subsurface exploration, widely used in geothermal, mineral, and hydrocarbon research. It helps characterize geological structures at depths beyond the reach of other geophysical techniques, making it valuable for understanding deep conductivity anomalies related to geothermal reservoirs, fault zones, and magmatic systems.

Electrical Method

We apply electrical resistivity methods to detect groundwater, improving well drilling strategies to optimize costs. This method is also used to identify subsurface cavities and weak zones, which is essential for civil engineering projects to ensure stability before construction.

Beyond engineering applications, electrical resistivity surveys are useful in geological and environmental studies, helping to map subsurface structures and assess soil conditions for various land-use planning needs.